
淀粉支载氧氟沙星前药的合成及其体外释放研究 被引量:2

Synthesis and in Vitro Drug Release of Starch-Ofloxacin Conjugtion as Macromolecular Prodrug
摘要 以淀粉和氧氟沙星为原料,合成了淀粉支载的氧氟沙星高分子前药,用核磁共振氢谱对其结构进行了结构表征、紫外分光光度计测定了氧氟沙星的接入率,并在人工胃液和人工肠液中进行了体外释放研究。结果清楚显示氧氟沙星成功接入到淀粉分子上,该高分子前药在不同介质的体外释放中均呈现零级缓慢释药,与氧氟沙星相比较,其作用时间明显增长,可以有效减缓药物成分的释放,控制血药浓度,有望大大减轻药物对胃粘膜和肠的刺激作用,并解决氧氟沙星的味苦及难溶等问题。 In order to obtain a sustained-release nicotinic acid ,starch-nicotinic acid conjugation was syn-thesized by coupling between starch and nicotinyl chloride .Its structure was characterized with FTIR and 1H-NMR.The drug-loading ratio of the product was measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometer .And in vitro drug release investigation was carried out in artificial gastric juice and artificial intestinal juice .The results clearly showed that nicotinic acid was coupled with the starch molecule successfully and the drug release rate of the conjugatation was nearly zero order without abrupt release .Compared with nicotinic acid , the effective thera-peutic time of the polymer prodrug was prolonged .So it may lead to less side-effect and relieving stimulation on gastrointestinal tract .
出处 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期413-417,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
基金 江西省科技支撑项目(20112BBF60023 20132BAB213002) 教育部高校博士点专项基金(20113603120006) 江西省教育厅项目(GJJ12254 GJJ12252) 上海市化学生物学重点实验室开放基金项目(SKLCB-2012-02) 江西农业大学自然科学基金(QN201101)
关键词 淀粉-氧氟沙星偶联物 接入率 体外释放 前药 starch-ofloxacin conjugation drug-loading ratio in vitro release prodrug
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