目的:分析氟比洛芬酯联合地佐辛对心脏搭桥术后患者镇痛效果。方法:选取择期行心脏搭桥术患者96例,随机分成联合组和对照组,两组患者麻醉诱导和麻醉维持方法相同,联合组:分别于术前30 min和术毕前30 min各静脉滴注氟比洛芬酯50 mg,术毕前25 min,地佐辛0.8 mg/kg加入0.9%NaCl溶液稀释至100 mL静脉泵注;对照组:分别于术前30 min和术毕前30 min各静脉滴注舒芬太尼3μg,术毕前25 min,芬太尼20μg/kg加入0.9%NaCl溶液稀释至100 mL静脉泵注。采用视觉模拟评分法和Ramsy镇静评级法分别对两组患者术后镇痛和镇静效果进行评估,记录两组患者不良反应情况。结果:联合组患者术后不同时点疼痛评分均低于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);联合组患者术后不同时点镇静评级与对照组比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);联合组患者总不良反应发生率为12.5%,显著低于对照组的52.1%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:氟比洛芬酯联合地佐辛用于心脏搭桥术后镇痛具有较好的镇痛和镇静效果,能够显著降低单一用药时不良反应的发生,值得临床进一步推广使用。
Objective: To investigate the analgesic effect of flurbiprofen combined with dezocine in cardiac bypass surgery.Method : 96 cases of patients elective for heart bypass surgery were randomly divided into combined group and control group. Anesthesia induction and maintenance of anesthesia on patients in two groups were in the same way. In combined group, 30 rain before the surgery and 30 min before end of the surgery, 50 mg flurbiprofen was intravenous infusion, respectively.25 min before end of the surgery, dezocine 0.8 mg/kg added 0.9% NaC1 solution diluted to 100 mL was t intravenous infusion. In control group, 30 min before the surgery and 30 min before end of the surgery, 3μg sufentanil was intravenous infusion, respectively. 25 min before end of the surgery, fentanyl 20 μ g/kg added 0.9% NaCI solution diluted to I00 mL was intravenous infusion.The postoperative effects of analgesia and sedation were evaluated by using visual analog scale and Ramsy sedation rating method, respectively. And the adverse reactions were recorded in the two groups. Result: The pain scores at different time points of patients in combined group were lower than the control group, the differences were all statistically significant ( P〈0.05 ) . The differences of sedation ratings at different time points between combined group and control group were not statistically significant ( P〉0.05 ) . The total adverse reaction rate of combined group was 12.5%, which was significantly lower than 52.1% of control group, the difference was statistically significant ( P〈O.05 ) . Conclusion: In cardiac bypass surgery, flurbiprofen combined with dezocine has better effects of analgesic and sedative. It can significantly reduce the incidence rate of adverse reactions, which occurred when used a single drug. It is worthy of clinical use.
Medical Innovation of China