

A Study of Foreign Language Teachers' Attitudes toward TELL in Newly-built Local Universities in Ethnic Regions: A Case Study of Kaili University
摘要 随着信息技术及网络化的加快,传统单一的计算机辅助语言学习(CALL)已不能适应新技术的要求,技术促进语言学习(TELL)成为当前语言教学的必然。教师对TELL的态度直接影响着外语教学质量。文章以应用语言学的相关理论为基础,以凯里学院39名外语教师为研究对象,采用问卷调查和访谈,对外语教师对TELL的态度进行分析,探索外语教师在TELL坏境下的教学态度,找出TELL在民族地区新建地方本科院校实施或普及过程中存在的具体问题,并提出相应的解决措施和建议。 With the rapid development of ICT and Internet, CALL cannot meet the requirements of the new technology. As a new generation of technology, TELL will undoubtedly replace CALL in language teaching. Foreign language teachers' attitudes towards TELL have direct influence on language teaching. On the basis of analyzing the literature related learning theories, the present paper makes an investigation upon the foreign teachers' attitudes toward TELL in Kaili University. The data from a questionnaire and an oral interview reveal that foreign language teachers' attitudes toward TELL are positive, in general; their attitudes are significant influenced by their ages, but no significant differences by their gender and diploma. The implications and suggestions of the results are also discussed.
作者 彭思祥
出处 《教育文化论坛》 2014年第2期34-38,共5页 Tribune of Education Culture
关键词 民族地区 新建地方本科院校 TELL 态度 Ethnic regions newly - built local universities TELL attitude
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