

Testing the Uniformity of Color Appearance Space
摘要 均匀颜色空间在跨媒体颜色管理中起着重要的作用。本文以D65光源下的孟塞尔系统、Ebner和Fairchild恒常色相数据的CIEXYZ三刺激值作为输入值,利用三个模型预测相应的明度、彩度、色相的值,并根据预测值评价了常用色貌空间CIELab、CIECAM02-Jab、IPT的均匀性。实验结果表明,在明度均匀性方面,CIELab和IPT的明度均匀性较好,预测明度与孟塞尔明度V基本成线性关系,CIECAM02-Jab的均匀性稍差,预测相同孟塞尔明度的颜色得到的明度值并不完全相同;在彩度均匀性方面,CIELAB的均匀性最好,IPT均匀性最差;在色相均匀性方面,IPT的均匀性要优于CIECAM02-Jab和CIELab的均匀性,而CIELab的色相均匀性较差。 The uniformity of color appearance space is playing an important role in cross-media color management.And the uniformity of CIELab,CIECAM02 and IPT was tested by Munsell system and Ebner -Fairchild s constant hue data sets.X,Y and Z tristimulus values are used as input data to predict lightness,chroma and hue of color appearance models.The results showed that CIELab and IPT have the similar performance in lightness uniformity.The predicted lightness and Munsell V were linear with each other.The CIECAM02-Jab s lightness uniformity is a little worse because its predicted value is not identical when Munsell V is same.On chroma uniformity,CIELAB is the best one,while IPT is the worst one.On hue uniformity,IPT is better than CIECAM02-Jab and CIELab.And CIELab is the worst one.
机构地区 上海理工大学
出处 《影像科学与光化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期251-259,共9页 Imaging Science and Photochemistry
基金 上海市研究生教育创新计划资助
关键词 跨媒体 均匀性 孟塞尔系统 恒常色相数据 cross-media uniformity Munsell system constant hue data
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