
太赫兹金属双光栅超厚胶光刻工艺 被引量:4

Terahertz metal bi-grating fabrication using ultra-thick photoresist process
摘要 介绍了制备某太赫兹频率真空辐射光栅的超厚胶光刻工艺,针对工艺中的难点(大厚度和高深宽比)展开了深入分析。实验分析了基片处理、涂胶、前烘、曝光、后烘、显影等工艺过程对光刻的影响,通过优化工艺参数,解决了胶膜脱落、开裂,不同胶层间的结合,光栅沟槽间的光刻胶残留等问题,成功制备了厚度为700μm、深宽比为14的侧壁陡直、表面平整的双光栅结构胶膜。 As a key part of terahertz vacuum electronic device, metal grating can't be fabricated using traditional methods due to its tiny dimension. The photoetching process of metal bi-grating for radiation source at some terahertz band was presented. The influence of the procedure (including substrate preparation, spin-coating, pre-bake, exposure, post-bake and developing) on photoetching was analyzed experimentally. The problems such as film drop and crack, film's combination and the photoresist re- maining at gaps which were caused by thick film and high aspect ratio, were solved by the optimizing the process parameters. Fi- nally, a good film microstructure with steep side wall and smooth surface was achieved, with a thickness of 700/~m and an aspect ratio of 14. The work presented in this paper provides a technological guide to the similarly related project.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期201-205,共5页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2012HGQC0007)
关键词 双光栅 太赫兹 光刻 超厚胶 深宽比 bi-grating terahertz photoetching ultra-thick photoresist aspect ratio
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