

Influence and Anxiety:The Relationship between Literary Narratology and Musical Narratology
摘要 音乐叙事学作为一个新兴学科,其产生和发展受到文学叙事理论很深的影响。这种影响一方面促进了音乐叙事学的发展,但同时也给音乐叙事研究带来焦虑:文学叙事学的强大会不会弱化音乐叙事学的独立地位?音乐叙事学应该与文学叙事学保持什么样的距离?音乐叙事学应该如何有效地利用文学叙事学的资源?焦虑的原因有两点:一是对叙事性的理解片面,二是对文学与音乐两种叙事媒介之间的关系认识不够准确。正确地理解和处理文学叙事学与音乐叙事学的关系,有助于解决音乐叙事学发展中的一些基本问题,推动音乐叙事研究的发展。 As an emerging discipline,Musical Narratology is deeply influenced by Literary Narratology in its rising and development. This influence does promote the development of Musical Narratology,but at the same time brings about anxiety. Will the overwhelming power of Literary Narratology impair the individuality of Musical Narratology? How far should Musical Narratology keep itself from Literary Narratology? And how could Musical Narratology effectively utilize the resources of Literary Narratology? The anxiety comes from two factors: the incomprehensive understanding of narrativity and the lack of awareness of the relationship between the two narrative media. An correct understanding and appropriate treatment of the relationship between Literary Narratology and Musical Narratology will certainly help us solve some basic problems of Musical Narratology,and thus accelerate the research of Musical Narratology.
作者 陈德志
机构地区 南昌航空大学
出处 《南昌航空大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期106-112,共7页 Journal of Nanchang Hangkong University(Social Sciences)
基金 2011年教育部人文社会科学项目"音乐叙事研究"(11YJC760005) 2011年南昌航空大学博士科研基金项目"阿多诺音乐美学思想研究"(201115202)
关键词 文学叙事学 音乐叙事学 Literary Narratology Musical Narratology
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