
基于蚁群优化的正则表达式分组算法 被引量:2

Regular expression grouping algorithm based on ant colony optimization
摘要 依据Becchi算法的思想基础,提出基于蚁群优化的改进正则表达式分组算法.根据正则表达式间分组的特点,定义正负影响关系的冲突信息和启发函数,构建信息素更新策略.实验结果表明,该算法较Becchi算法能更加客观合理地反映模式集中正则表达式间的优化合并信息,能有效减少状态数量,达到总状态数最优解,降低正则表达式匹配的复杂度. Following the idea of the Becchi algorithm,an improved regular expressions grouping algorithm based on ant colony optimization(GRE-ACO) was introduced.Taking account of the characteristics of regular expressions grouping,GRE-ACO defined the relationship between positive and negative effects of conflict information,a new heuristic function and pheromone update strategy.Comparison with the Becchi algorithm shows that GRE-ACO can reflect the optimizing merge information of the regular expressions more reasonably,reduce the amount of states effectively,and attain the optimal solution of the total number of state.As a result,the GRE-ACO can reduce the complexity of matching algorithm.
出处 《深圳大学学报(理工版)》 EI CAS 北大核心 2014年第3期279-285,共7页 Journal of Shenzhen University(Science and Engineering)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61171124)~~
关键词 人工智能 蚁群优化算法 深度包检测 正则表达式 分组算法 冲突信息 信息素 网络安全 artificial intelligence ant colony optimization deep packet detection regular expression(RE) grouping algorithm conflict information pheromone network security
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