通过两年多点试验和示范 ,结果表明 ,小麦播前应用“昌泉牌”小麦拌种剂拌种 ,具有延缓出苗 ,增强抗倒伏性能和抗旱性 ,增加绿叶面积 ,提高小麦个体质量 ,增加植株干物质积累 ,增穗 (15 .0~16 .5万 /hm2 )、增粒 (1.6粒 /穗 )、增重 (1.1~ 1.9克 /千粒 )效果明显 ,增产 35 8.5~ 6 6 7.5kg/hm2 .
Through experiment at many sites and demonstration for two years, the results showed that wheat seeds had been treated with “Changquan” wheat seeds dressing before sowing, the seeds treatment gave a remarkable effect on seedling's growing slowing , resistance falling and dry climate strengthening, leaves' area enlarging, quality heightening, dry organic matter accumulation increasing, increasing ear( 15.0 ×10 4~16 5×10 4/hm 2), grain adding(1.6 grain/ear)and grain weight adding (1.1~1.9 g/1000grains). The yield increased 358.5~667.5kg/hm 2.