将伪魏格纳分布和连续小波变换理论应用于汽车变速箱故障诊断 ,给出了变速箱故障振动信号的基本模型 ,并进行了变速箱故障的实例分析 ,结果表明 ,伪魏格纳分布和连续小波变换与传统的谱分析相比 ,不仅能形象、直观地反映变速箱故障信息 。
By using the Pseudo Wigner distribution and continuous wavelet transform in the gearbox fault diagnosis, we have developed a basic model for vibration due to faults in a gearbox. Power spectrum、Pseudo Wigner and continuous wavelet transform are employed to first analyze and then compare the vibration signals. The experimental result shows that Pseudo Wigner and continuous wavelet transform has stronger representation than conventional spectrum analysis.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)