
瓜类及蔬菜等植物病原细菌抗铜机制研究进展 被引量:4

Advances in Copper Resistant Mechanisms of Cucurbit and Vegetable Pathogenic Bacteria
摘要 铜素杀菌剂是一类主要用于防治细菌性病害的杀菌剂,特别是防治瓜类细菌性果斑病的主要杀菌剂,然而由于此类杀菌剂的广泛使用,使细菌的耐药性随之增强。对近几年阐述较为清晰的几种细菌的抗铜机制进行概述,主要包括Cop系统、Cut系统、Pco系统、Cus系统、P型ATP酶排出系统、非ATP酶排出系统和多聚磷酸盐参与的铜外排系统,旨在为瓜类细菌性果斑病抗铜机制研究和科学使用铜素杀菌剂提供参考。 Copper is a bactericide used for preventing bacterial diseases,especially in the prevention of watermelon bacterial fruit blotch (BFB).However,wide use of copper chemicals has enhanced bacteria to develop tolerance to copper.The research of copper tolerance genes and mechanism of copper tolerance in bacteria are summarized in this paper.We mainly describe cop system,cut system,pco system,cus system,P type ATPase removal system,non-P type ATPase removal system and polyphosphates removal system in this article.We want to provide references for further study of copper tolerance mechanisms of BFB and the rationale of proper use of copper bactericides.
出处 《中国瓜菜》 CAS 2014年第3期5-9,共5页 China Cucurbits And Vegetables
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201003066) 国家西甜瓜产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-26) 中国农业科学院科技创新工程
关键词 瓜类细菌性果斑病 杀菌剂 抗铜机制 Bacterial Fruit Blotch Bactericides Copper tolerance mechanisms
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