
硅晶圆上窄节距互连铜凸点 被引量:2

Copper bumping for fine pitch interconnections
摘要 为了满足日益减小的互连节距需求,该文研究了晶圆上窄节距铜凸点的成型技术。铜凸点成型主要包括溅射凸点下金属化层(under bump metallization,UBM)、厚胶光刻、电镀、去胶、刻蚀UBM等。通过研究甩胶、前烘、曝光、显影、后烘等技术参数,优化了正性光刻胶AZ4620的厚胶光刻工艺,并通过理论分析验证了其合理性。同时,进行了湿法腐蚀和干法刻蚀UBM的对比实验,得到了用于超窄节距凸点去除UBM的不同方法。最终获得了节距20μm、直径10μm、高度10μm的凸点,侧壁垂直度达到83.95°;并采用剪切力测试方法表征晶圆上铜凸点强度的分布特点,得到剪切强度接近体材料的剪切强度。 Fine pitch copper bumping on wafers was characterized to meet the demand for smaller interconnections. Electroplating copper bumping involves under bump metallization (UBM) sputtering, thick photoresist, copper electroplating, photoresist removal and UBM etching. The spin coating, soft baking, exposure, developing and post exposure baking of AZ4620 thick photoresist were optimized theoretically. Wet and dry UBM etching are also compared. Copper bumps were fabricated with a 20μm pitch, 10μm diameter and 10μm height with a 83.95° sidewall. The wafer level copper strength uniformity was also checked by shear testing.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期78-83,共6页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家科技重大专项(2011ZX02709)
关键词 厚胶光刻 铜凸点 窄节距互连 thick photoresist copper humping fine pitch interconneetion
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