此文系作者2013年9~11月参加中组部、国家行政学院举办的“省部级干部英语强化班(第8期)”时,根据教学要求所做的一篇英文演讲的中文译稿。 老师们、同学们,女士们、先生们,早上好!今天,我和大家分享一个轻松的话题:培养一种新的爱好,从现在开始!首先,我想给大家讲个故事:有位领导干部,刚退休时常常感到孤独和失落,每天吃不香、睡不好,因为自打退休那天起,就不像往常一样有部下给他送文件和报告,让他审阅和批示,也再也没有人向他请示汇报工作了。
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today I have an easy topic to introduce, my topic is "set up a new hobby for now and the future" . Let me start with a joke. There was a senior official who just got retired. Ever since then, no more reports or docu- ments came to him, and no one asked him for opin- ions anymore. He felt so lonely and upset that he couldn' t eat or sleep well. Seeing this, his wife started to worry, about his health. But she didn' t know how to help him deal with his retired life. Then one day, she suddenly got an idea. The next morning, she sent a new report to the boss of the family. In the afternoon, she gave him a document. Both required him to circle his name as he was used to doing. A week later, the wife was surprised to see her husband happy again. Can you guess what was the secret of the report and the document? They were actually a menu, and a shopping list. You may think, as the wife did, can this be a long term solution?