
化学发光法检测梅毒抗体在血清学中的临床应用 被引量:4

The application of CMIA for detect treonema pallidum antibody
摘要 目的探讨化学发光法(CMIA)在梅毒感染血清检测中的应用。方法用梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验(TPPA)和甲苯胺红不加热血清试验(TRUST)对CMIA初筛阳性标本进行进一步检测,并以TPPA为金标准对CMIA进行确认。结果 16 548例血清标本经CMIA初筛阳性的274例,274例阳性标本经TPPA复检阳性193例,阳性检出率为70.4%;而TRUST检测75例,阳性检出率27.4%。以TPPA为金标准,用CMIA对TPPA初筛阳性及阴性标本各60例进行复检,CMIA敏感性为100%(60/60),特异性为96.7%(58/60)。结论 CMIA敏感性及优于TPPA和TRUST,重复性好,操作简便,可用于梅毒的临床初筛。 Objective Discuss the use of CMIA (chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay)in Treponema pallidum infection. Methods The first part,using TPPA and TRUST to detect the positive samples that had been preliminary screened by CMIA, while taken TPPA as a gold standard to confirm the result of CMIA. Results 16548 patients were involved in the test , 274 cases were positive by CMIA. Among them 193 cases were positive by TPPA,the rate was 70.4 %. while 75 cases were positive by TRUST, the rate was 27.4%. The second part, taking TPPA as a gold standard, CMIA was used to retest the samples that had been screened by TPPA, which included 120 cases (60 cases were positive, 60 cases were negative), the sensitivity and specificity of the CMIA were 100% (60/60)and 96.7% (58/60). Conclusions Compared with TPPA and TRUST,CMIA has higher sensitivity,repeatability and operability, it can be used for preliminary screen of Treponema paUidum.
出处 《基层医学论坛》 2014年第13期1650-1651,共2页 The Medical Forum
关键词 梅毒螺旋体 CMIA TPPA TRUST Treponemapallidum CMIA TPPA TRUST
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