

Distributed Generation Allocation Based on Multi-Objective Cooperative Interior Point Method
摘要 分布式电源并网,对系统的网络损耗、可靠性等会带来影响,且其影响程度与分布式电源的位置和容量密切相关。在求解电力系统优化问题上,为充分利用内点法的收敛快、精度高的优点,把传统的选址定容模型,采用内点法进行连续求解。并提出一种多目标函数归一转化成单目标函数,采用协调参数w使两个子函数达到优化效果,进行选址定容。建立以网络有功损耗和节点电压水平最小为目标函数,对改进IEEE 30节点的系统进行测试,结果表明,基于多目标协调内点法是有效和实用的。 Integration of distributed generation( DG) to the power grid,it has a great impact on power loss and reliability of distribution system. The degree of impact is closely related with the placement and sizing of DG. The interior point method is widely used to solve the different types of optimization problems in electric power domain. The authors use the traditional placement and sizing of distributed generation model during the solution of continuous variables and make full use of the advantages of convergence performance and high accuracy in IPM. It is proposed that a multi-objective optimization model is converted to mono- objective optimization model based on coordinate coefficient w to obtain its optimal placement and sizing,in order to minimize network power loss and voltage deviation. This approach is effective and practical.
出处 《机械制造与自动化》 2014年第2期167-169,183,共4页 Machine Building & Automation
关键词 内点法 选址定容 多目标函数 有功损耗 电压水平 interior point method placement and sizing multi-objection function active loss voltage level
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