

Why We need a Generalized Darwinism,and Why Generalized Darwinism is not Enough
摘要 在自然社会和人类社会,都能找到复杂的进化系统,这些系统是由变化的、自我复制的实体所组成的种群。除了达尔文主义的变异原则、自然选择以及遗传原则之外,没有其他的理论来解释此类进化系统。人类意图理论以及拉马克的获得性状遗传假设都不能够替代达尔文原则。达尔文主义经常被要求用来解释此类的进化系统。尽管解释这样的进化需要应用达尔文主义,但是这并不意味着达尔文主义自身在解释进化系统时是完备的。 Complex evolving systems,consisting of populations of varied and replicating entities are found in both nature and human society. There exists no alternative to the core Darwinian principles of variation,selection and inheritance to explain the evolution of such systems. Neither the actual existence of human intentionality nor the hypothetical possibility of Lamarckian acquired character inheritance offers a barrier to the use of Darwinian principles. On the contrary,Darwinism is always required to complete the explanation. However,while Darwinian principles are always necessary to explain complex evolving population systems they are never sufficient on their own.
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 CSSCI 2014年第2期70-80,共11页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
关键词 进化 达尔文主义 复杂系统 自组织 意图 Evolution Darwinism Complex systems Self-organization Intentionality
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