基于NX Nastran的机械挖掘机滑轮轴的分析优化研究。利用NX软件的NX Nastran模块的有限元分析功能对滑轮轴进行受力分析,对薄弱部位和应力冗余部位进行优化。经过优化降低了滑轮轴的制造成本,从而为物理样机的设计制造提供了设计依据。
Analysis and optimize pulley axle of mechanical excavator based on NX NASTRAN function, build the parametric entity model of pulley axle by the WAVE function of NX software; then analysis the pulley axle by the Finite Element Analysis function of NX Nastran change the Parametric model of unsubstantial part and redundancy part after optimization the manufacture cost is reduced, so provide design accord for the design and manufacture of physics model.
Mechanical Management and Development