

Influence of listening training on the auditory clarity of Chinese mono-syllable
摘要 为了研究噪声掩蔽下听音训练对汉语单音节听感清晰度的影响规律,设计了为期10个单元的单音节语音听辨训练实验。通过对一组在校学生的实验表明,训练学习确实从总体上提高了听者的语音听辨能力,从统计上给出了此组听音人的听感清晰度随学习累积的变化规律。分析了不同信噪比、不同性别在语音听辨学习能力上的差异性。 A listening training experiment composed of 10 units to identify Chinese mono-syllable masked by noise is carried out to research the influence of listening training on the auditory clarity of Chinese mono-syllable.The test result shows that the training can improve the speech identification ability of listeners.The law curve of clarity as a function of cumulative learning time is plotted.The diversity of learning ability of speech identification between different SNRs and genders is analyzed.
出处 《声学技术》 CSCD 2014年第2期150-153,共4页 Technical Acoustics
基金 国家自然科学基金(61271418) 教育部博士点基金(20100018110001)资助项目
关键词 听音训练 噪声掩蔽 单音节清晰度 学习曲线 listening training noise masking clarity of Chinese mono-syllable learning curve
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