A recent paper attempted to re-account tor the Terranova Case in 1821 with an ulterior motive so as to reverse the correct verdict of the notorious consular jurisdiction in terms of the historical origin and historical role. That is, the paper tried to content that there exist a judicial difference between the east and the west,the purpose of which is to fill up the key value gap by advocating an alternative understanding of life and human right,which could,as claimed, push forward the then "barbarous and backward'China,as a lucky thing,to accelerate the communication and to import foreign capital. The present author read once again the relevant historical records and researches with care and confirms the following view: the Italian seaman called Francis Terranova working in an American business ship Emily slaughtered a Chinese woman. During the process of trial, the American side interfered the Chinese judicial activities by all dishonest means. While making unequal trea- ty with the Qing Government later,they took the pretext that Chinese law was "barbarous and backward" and put forward the unjustifiable requirements of consular jurisdiction, which is apparently an invasion behavior. In fact, during the over past 100 years, consular jurisdiction has severely damaged the Chinese judicial sovereignty,impaired the i udicial justice, smothered the legal reform in the Chinese society and hence caused numerous harms to the judicial modernization. Therefore, it is not al- lowed to reverse consular jurisdiction by using the Terranova Case.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
consular jurisdiction
the Terranova Case ~ judicial justice