

Collective Energy's Mediating Effect between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
摘要 近十余年来,积极组织行为运动的兴起使研究者们对组织行为的讨论不再局限于员工负面问题的解决上,而更强调对员工的心理优势及积极能量的开发与管理。如何激发员工的工作能量,特别是工作团队集体能量以改善组织内外部效能,逐渐成为重要的研究议题。但迄今为止,关于集体能量受哪些因素影响,对员工本身及组织究竟有何意义等问题还缺乏深入的探讨。基于20个工作团队的一手数据的实证研究表明,国外集体能量测量问卷在中国情境下同样具有良好的结构效度;变革型领导对集体能量、组织内部效能和外部效能均具有显著的正向影响;集体能量在变革型领导与组织效能之间存在显著的中介效应。上述研究结论对于我国的企业管理实践具有重要价值,这意味着,企业领导者可以通过提高自身品德修养、对员工进行愿景激励、关心员工的工作及生活和提升自身的领导魅力等方面塑造变革型领导氛围,对员工起到激励和示范作用,进而提高组织效能;组织在进行领导选拔时,要对候选人进行严格筛选,尽量选拔变革型的领导,这对激发集体的能量有重要作用;集体成员可以通过加强彼此之间的联系、共享等方式提升集体能量。一旦员工在组织中富有积极能量,他们就会努力营造高绩效工作环境,促进企业经营绩效的有效提升。 The rise of positive organizational behavior in recent ten years that undertakes researches on organizational be- havior not only resolve employee's negative problem, but also put more emphasis on developing and managing strengths and positive energy of human beings. How to improve organization's internal and external effectiveness through stimulating employee's work energy,in particular work team's collective energy, has become an important research focus. But there are still significant gaps so far in our understanding of the antecedent collective energy and the implications of collective energy for employees and organization. A structured questionnaire was then employed as the research instrument for this study. Data were collected from 161 employees in 20 work teams. We verified the foreign collective energy measurement questionnaire un- der the Chinese culture, and explored the relationship among transformational leadership, collective energy and organizational effectiveness,and built and tested the mechanism model of collective energy on transformational leadership and organizational effectiveness. We find that foreign collective energy measurement questionnaire has good construct validity under the Chinese culture, that transformational leadership has positive impacts on collective energy and organizational internal and external ef- fectiveness, and that collective energy plays a mediating effect on the relationship between transformational leadership and or- ganizational effectiveness. The results suggest that organization can stimulate collective energy through selecting transforma- tional leaders and building the leadership atmosphere, which can increase the efficiency of the organization and to achieve sus- tainable development.
作者 姜荣萍
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期131-139,共9页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"我国智力型组织知识隐藏的内容结构及相关问题研究"(BCGL006)
关键词 集体能量 变革型领导 组织内部效能 组织外部效能 collective energy transformational leadership organizational internal effectiveness organizational external effectiveness
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