
顾客参与服务补救:基于MOA模型的实证研究 被引量:38

Customer Participation in Service Recovery:An Empirical Study Based on MOA Model
摘要 探讨影响服务补救中顾客参与的因素以及顾客参与对总体满意度的影响。把服务补救中的顾客参与概念化为独立参与和共同参与,基于动机、机会和能力模型(MOA模型)提出理论框架;采用问卷调查法,通过网络调查方式收集356个消费者数据,运用SPSS 18.0和LISREL 8.80进行回归分析和结构方程路径分析。研究结果表明,在动机、机会和能力中,顾客动机是促进服务补救中独立参与和共同参与行为的最重要因素;动机与能力的交互作用显著影响独立参与和共同参与行为,能力越强,动机对两种参与行为的正向影响越大;机会(补救可得性)负向影响独立参与行为,正向影响共同参与行为;独立参与行为对总体满意度无显著影响,共同参与行为对总体满意度有显著正向影响。企业应该推动顾客社会化过程,合理设计补救可得性,全面提升服务效率和水平。 This paper examines the antecedents of customer participation in service recovery and the influences of participation on customer's overall satisfaction. Customer participation in service recovery is conceptualized as two types, independent participation and joint participation. A theoretical framework is proposed based on the Motive, Opportunity, and Ability Model ( MOA Model). Online questionnaire survey was conducted and 356 respondents joining in the survey. SPSS 18.0 and LISREL 8.80 were employed to conduct regression and SEM path analysis. The results show that: ①among the factors of motivation, opportunity, and ability, customers' motivation is the most important one positively influencing two types of participation; ②tbe interaction between motivation and ability positively affect two types of participation : the stronger ability, the more positive relationship between motive and participation; ③opportunity (the accessibility of service recovery) reduces independent participation, but promotes joint participation; and ④joint participation positively influences customers' overall satisfaction.
作者 陈可 涂平
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期105-113,共9页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(70902036 71272043 71002003) 北京高等学校青年英才计划项目(YETP0896)~~
关键词 顾客参与 服务补救 顾客满意 MOA模型 customer participation service recovery customer satisfaction MOA model
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