
美国建国初期国立大学的理念及其失败(1786-1796) 被引量:5

The Idea of a National University and Its Failure in the Early Days of the United States(1786-1796)
摘要 美国虽从未建立一所国立大学,但是在建国之初就有过对国立大学的憧憬和努力。本文主要梳理了美国从建国到十八世纪末国立大学理念发展的历史,并围绕1796年联邦众议院对国立大学计划进行了第一次也是唯一一次的辩论来分析国立大学计划不被通过的原因,并探讨这一时期国立大学理念的发展以及最后的失败在美国高等教育史上的意义。 Although a National University was never established in the history of the United States, it had been looked forward to and strived for in the early days of the country. This paper summarizes the history of the idea of a National University from the founding of the United States to the end of the eighteenth century. It analyzes why the plan for a National University was not passed in the Federal House of Representatives in 1796 for the first and only time it was debated, and then explores the signifieance of the eoneept of a National University and the implications of its failure in the history of American higher education.
作者 王慧敏
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期91-99,共9页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"美国高等教育史"
关键词 国立大学 邦联 本杰明·拉什 华盛顿 詹姆斯·麦迪逊 National University the Confederation Benjamin Rush Washington James Madison
  • 相关文献


  • 1Samuel Blodget, Economica: A Statistical Manual for the United States (Washington, 1806) ,22- 23.
  • 2Benjamin Rush,"Address to The People of The United States," in Benjamin Rush and His Services to American Edu- cation ,Harry G. Good, 198 (Berne, Indiana: Witness Press, 1918).
  • 3Benjamin Rush,"Address to The People of The United States," in Benjamin Rush and His Services to American Ed- ucation,Harry G. Good,202. (Berne, Indiana: Witness Press, 1918).
  • 4Benjamin Rush,"A Plan for the Establishment of Public School and the Diffusion of Knowledge in Pennsylvania. To which are Added, Thoughts upon the Mode of Education Proper in a Republic. Addressed to the Legislature and Citi- zens of the State, "Gentleman's Magazine by Sylvanus Urban, Gent, Sep. 1786, Vol. 56,775.
  • 5Benjamin Rush, "Plan for a Federal University,"American Museum, Nov. 1788, Vol. 4 Issue 5,442. 0 Ibid., 442 - 444.
  • 6David W. Robson, Educating Republicans: The College in the Era of the American Revolution, 1750-- 1800 (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985) ,231.
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  • 9Annals of Congress, Senate, 1^st Congress, 2^nd session (Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1834) ,972.
  • 10Annals of Congress, Senate, 1^st Congress, 2^nd session (Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1834),1089.


  • 1Thomas Jefferson to George Washington ( February 23, 1795) in Albert Ellery Bergh, ed. , The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 19 (Washington, D. C. , 1905) , pp. 105-114.
  • 2George Washington to Thomas Jefferson (March 15, 1795) in John C. Fitzpatrick, The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745- 1799, Vol. 34 (Washington, D. C. , 1931), pp. 146-148.
  • 3Jared Sparks, ed. , The Mhings of George Washington: Being His Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and Other Papers, Official and Private, Selected and Published from the Original Manuscripts, Vol. Ⅰ (Boston 1855 ), p. 572.
  • 4George Washington to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia ( January 28, 1795), in Fitzpatrick, 34:106-108.
  • 5Charles Kendall Adams, "Washington and the Higher Education, An Address Delivered Before Cornell University, February 22, 1888" (Ithaca, N.Y., 1888).
  • 6John W. Hoyt, Memorial in Regard to a National University (Washington, D.C. , 1892) ,pp.39-40.
  • 7George Washington to John Adams (November 15, 1794), in Fitzpatrick, ed. , The Writings of George Washington, 34: 22-23.
  • 8Merle M. Odgers, "Education and the American Philosophical Society", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 87 : 1 (July 14, 1943) , pp. 13-19.
  • 9Benjamin Justice, " ' The Great Contest' : The American Philosophical Society Education Prize of 1795 and the Problem of American Education", American Journal of Education 114 (February 2008) , pp. 191-213.
  • 10Samuel Knox, Essay on the Best System of Liberal Education, Adapted to the Genius of the Government of the United States.












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