
城市是幸福的“围城”吗?——基于CGSS数据对中国城乡幸福悖论的一种解释 被引量:25

Is City‘The Besieged City'of Happiness?——An Analysis of the Happiness Paradox Between Urban and Rural China Using CGSS data
摘要 中国经济快速增长的同时,城乡居民收入以及教育、医疗、社会保障等物质生活条件差距不断扩大,但一些实证分析表明,中国农村居民的主观幸福感却强于城镇居民。本文将这种悖论式的事实置于城乡二元经济社会结构现实之中,运用Order Probit模型对中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据进行了实证分析。结果表明,一方面,城乡幸福悖论主要源于城乡居民不同的主观心态:控制绝对收入、相对收入及个体特征等相关变量之后,城市居民并不比农村居民更幸福,然而,一旦加入城乡居民对"命运"、"家境"和"进取心"等主观心态,城市居民幸福感会高于农村居民幸福感。另一方面,如果控制包括主观心态在内的其他条件,在那些绝对收入超过16 013.7元的居民中,农村居民幸福感要强于城市居民;当绝对收入低于16 013.7元时,城市居民仍然比农村居民幸福。分析结果启示我们,现代化、工业化、城市化都只是发展的路径而非发展目的,城市化进程有可能是建造"幸福围城"的过程,从而违背城市化发展的基本初衷。就发展的终极目的而言,城市化也不是发展的唯一路径,增加农民收入、为农民提供均等化的公共基础服务,在农村同样能增强人们的福祉。 With the rapid growth of China, the gaps of urban-rural income, education, health care, social security and other physical life conditions are widening, but some empirical analyses show that, the subjective well-being of rural residents is stronger than that of urban residents. Taking the paradox fact into consideration when analyzing the dual social structure between urban and rural areas, the paper has made an empirical analysis based on the China' s General Social Survey (CGSS) data by using the Order Probit model. The results show that, for one thing, the paradox mainly comes from the different mindset of the urban and rural residents: the urban residents are not happier than rural residents when we control the absolute income, relative, and characteristics variables, however, once the mindset of the residents, such as the ‘fate' , the ‘ family' and the ‘ enterprise' are controlled, the urban residents are happier than rural residents. For another, with the mindset of residents and other conditions unchanged, the rural residents are happier than urban residents when the residents' absolute income is above 16 013.7yuan; when the residents' absolute income is below 16 013.7yuan, the urban residents are happier than rural residents. The results of the analysis enlighten us that, rather than development purposes, industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization are the paths of development. And the urbanization may be a process of building the ‘ the besieged city of happiness' , which goes against the basic purpose of development. As for the ultimate purpose of development, the urbanization is not the only path of development, and increasing rural residents' income and providing equal public service for rural residents can enhance the well-being of people in the countryside as well.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期16-21,共6页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"农村扶贫政策绩效评价及其动态瞄准机制设计"(编号:70873088) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"当代发展经济学前沿理论跟踪研究"(编号:13JJD790020) 武汉大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目
关键词 主观幸福感 城乡幸福悖论 城乡二元结构 城市化 subjective well-being the happiness paradox between urban and rural the dual social structure urbanization
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