设计了用轴类零件修复的频率和振幅均可调的振堆焊机构。对水蒸气保护振动焊电弧及熔滴过渡的特点进行了分析和研究 ,发现在送丝速度和焊接电压与振动频率和振幅很好匹配的情况下 ,可以使短路过渡频率与振动频率相同 ,焊接过程呈“燃弧—熄弧—短路”的形式 ,在这种情况下 ,飞溅小 ,焊道成形好 ,焊接过程稳定 ,并结合生产中的实际应用效果 。
The vibrating mechanism of surfacing for repair welding of shaft is developed;the frequency and amplitude of electrode vibration can be altered.According to the feature of arc and dip transfer in this process,it is discovered that the welding process is cycle of 'arc starting-open circuit-short curcuit'only when feeding rate and arc voltage properly coincide with the frequency and amplitude of vibration.In the condition,the process becomes stable,spatter is less and beads are smooth.Finally,the adequate variables for this process are suggested.$$$$
Welding & Joining