
电击伤致心脏损害患者心肌酶、心电图的变化及其临床意义 被引量:2

Changes of myocardial enzymes and ECGs in patients with heart damage caused by electric injury and its clinical significance
摘要 目的研究电击伤致心脏损害后患者的心肌酶、心电图改变。方法35例电击伤患者。其中男性30例.女性5例:年龄15.53岁,平均年龄35.2岁。根据有无心电图异常分为心电图异常组(A组23例,其中男性20例,女性3例:年龄16.53岁,平均年龄36.2岁)、心电图正常组(B组12例,其中男性10例,女性2例,年龄15~52岁,平均年龄34.2岁)。正常组(C组10例,其中男性8例,女性2例,年龄15.53岁。平均年龄35.2岁)。高电压(1000V)伤23例,低电压(220~380V)伤12例。检查心电图变化,行实验室检查和TNT检查,检测血清肌酸激酶(CK)和肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)活性。结果A组23例患者心电图异常.B组12例患者心电图基本正常:心电图异常患者主要表现为T波高耸和T波高耸伴心房纤颤。高电压组心电图异常的发生率为83.3%(19/23),低电压组心电图异常的发生率33.3%(4/12);两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。A组CK、CK—MB均高于B组[(4223.7±1116.4)U/Lws(294.5±21.7)U/L,(586.9±96.9)U/LUS(123.7±5.3)U/L;P〈0.05]:A、B组明显高于C组[(160.4±26.1)U/L、(20.5±3.1)U/L]。结论心脏损害是电击伤的常见并发症,高压电更易致心脏损害.血清CK、CK—MB可用于临床评价电击伤患者的心脏损害。 Objective To study myocardial enzymes and electrocardiogram(ECG) changes of patients with electrically injury- induced heart damage. Methods A total of 35 patients with electrically injury-induced were enrolled, which included 30 males and 5 females, aged 15 - 53 years old with mean age of 35.2. Based on whether they have ECG abnormal or not, all of them were divided into 2 groups, abnormal ECG group( group A, n = 23, 20 males and 3 females, aged 15 - 53 years old, with mean age of 36.2) and normal ECG group (group B, n = 12, 10 males and 2 females, aged 15 - 53 years old, with mean age of 34.2 ), the high- vohage(1 000 V) injury were 23 cases and low-voltage(220 - 380 V) injury were 12 cases. Ten cases in normal control group (group C, n = 10, 8 males and 2 females, aged 15 - 53 years old, with mean age of 35.2). The ECG changes, laboratory examination and check with the TNT, detection of serum creatine kinase(CK) and creatine kinase isoenzyme(CK-MB) activity were performed. Results The 23 patients in group A had abnormal ECG, and 10 cases in group B patients had normal ECG. The abnormal patients were mainly showed T-wave towering and T-wave towering combining with atrial fibrillation. The CK, CK - MB in group A were higher than that of group B[(4 223.7 ± 1 116.4) U/L vs (294.5 ± 21.7) U/L, (586.9 ± 96.9) U/L vs (123.7 ± 5.3) U/L; P 〈 0.05]. Conclusion It is demonstrated that cardiac damage is the common complication of electrical damaging, high-voltage are more likely to cause heart damage, serum CK, CK - MB could be used in the clinical evaluation of patients with electric injury-induced heart damage.
出处 《生物医学工程与临床》 CAS 2014年第3期251-254,共4页 Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Medicine
关键词 电击伤 心肌损伤 心肌酶 心电图 electrically damaging myocardial injury myocardial enzyme electrocardiogram (ECG)
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