
树脂粘结剂对瓷贴面颜色及不透光度的影响 被引量:5

Effect of different resin cements on the color and opacity of ceramic veneers
摘要 目的研究几种临床常用的树脂粘结剂材料对瓷贴面颜色及不透光度的影响。方法制作0.4mm厚、直径10mm的瓷片,共28片,随机分为4组,分别用BEAUTIFIL Flow A1、DEO-Link SE Transparent、帕娜碧亚F(浅色)、Viriolink N Transparent粘结,LED光固化灯光照40s。并分别在粘结前后用ShadeEye数字比色仪测量颜色值L*、a*、b*。计算粘结前后的⊿E和⊿O,比较几种常用的树脂粘结剂是否会对瓷片的颜色和不透光度产生影响。结果 4种不同浅色树脂水门汀粘结前后,瓷片的颜色和不透光度变化均没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。组间比较发现帕娜碧亚F比Viriolink N的不透光度变化值大(P<0.01)。结论 4种粘结树脂对贴面的颜色和不透光性没有明显影响。 Objective To evaluate the effect of different resin cements on the color and opacity of ceramic veneers. Methods Twenty-eight ceramic discs were prepared with a thickness of 0.4mm and diameter of 10mm, which were then divided into four groups of seven and bonded by different cements. BEAUTIFIL Flow A1, DEO-Link SE Transparent,Panavia F, Viriolink N Transparent resin cements were applied on the porcelain discs according to the manufacturer's specifications with a thickness of 0. lmm. Curing was performed with a calibrated LED curing-light for 40 seconds. The color was measured using a speetrophotometer before and after cementation. The color readings were performed according to the CIE L^+ , a^+ , b^+. The specimens were initially placed on a black background, with the ceramic always facing the measurement site, and then on a white background. The results were analysed statistically with One-way ANOVA, LSD (L) test. Results The Z3 E of all materials ranged from 0. 18 to 2. 85. The color changed most in Panavia F, and least in DEO-Link SE. The opacity changes ranged from -0. 13 to 1.88. No significant changes before and after bonding were found in color and opacity in all groups (P 〉 0.05 ). The changing value of opacity in Panavia F was greater than that in Viriolink N (P = 0. 01 ). Conclusion The four kinds of resin cements studied did not have significant effect on the color and opacity of ceramic veneers.
出处 《北京口腔医学》 CAS 2014年第2期93-95,共3页 Beijing Journal of Stomatology
关键词 瓷贴面 树脂粘接剂 颜色值 不透光度 Ceramic veneer Resin cement Color Opacity
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