1997~ 1 999年 ,用含 45 % Bt+ CPT1双抗基因棉半人工饲料饲喂棉铃虫幼虫 5 .5天 ,连续 1 6代汰选。结果 :幼虫校正死亡率由 79.1 8%下降到 49.36 % ;其体长达取食 45 %泗棉 3号半人工饲料幼虫平均体长 ,由第一代的 0上升到第 1 6代的 2 3.32 % ;幼虫体长、体重增长速率由第一代负增长分别上升为 5 5 .2 9%和 36 6 .6 7%。表明棉铃虫幼虫经取食转基因抗虫棉连续1 6代 ,其中肠对抗虫棉已产生一定的亲和性及适宜性 。
The half artificial diet containing 45% Bt+CPT1 double resistance gene cotton was used to feed 1+0 1cm body length cotton bollworm larva for 16 generations in resistance monitoring The results showed that the mortality of the larva decreased from 79 18% (1st generation) to 49 36% (16th generation) The proportion of larva reached the average body length of larva feeding diet containing 45% Simian No 3 cotton (CK) from 0 of 1st generation increased to 23 32% of 16th generation The increasing rate of body length and body weight of the larva finally reached 55 29% and 366 67%, respectively, whereas they were both negative at the first generation It indicated that larva of cotton bollworm continuously feed transgenic cotton for 16 generations, the mid intestine of the larva was induced some affinity and fitness to transgenic cotton and early resistance of the larva to transgenic cotton was emerged
Chinese Journal of Biological Control
"86 3"高科技计划项目