
移动低占空比传感网邻居发现算法 被引量:12

Neighbor Discovery Algorithm in Mobile Low Duty Cycle WSNs
摘要 低占空比技术极大地降低了传感网(即无线传感器网络)的能耗,延长了网络的生命周期,但却使邻居发现变得异常困难.尤其结合了节点移动性后,邻居发现问题将具有更大的挑战性.提出了一种基于Continuous Torus Quorum的移动低占空比无线传感器网络的邻居发现算法,可以解决这种在对称和非对称场景下的邻居发现问题,并提出了适用于移动场景的邻居发现概率作为评估邻居发现算法的性能,项目还开发了用于测量移动场景下低占空比邻居发现算法性能的仿真平台.理论分析和仿真实验结果均表明:该算法无论在对称或者非对称场景下均取得了很好的能效、发现概率和发现延时性能,优于当前几种典型的异构邻居发现算法(比如Disco,U-Connect等). Low duty cycle is proposed to reduce the energy consumption of WSNs (wireless sensor networks), thereby extending the lifecycle of WSNs. However, low duty cycle makes neighbor discovery extremely difficult. Especially considering the mobility of nodes, effective neighbor discovery is more challenging. In this work, a new neighbor discovery algorithm based on Continuous Torus Quorum is proposed to solve the neighbor discovery problem in asynchronous symmetric and asymmetric low duty cycle WSNs. A neighbor discovery probability is also provided to estimate efficiency of neighbor discovery algorithms in mobile scene. Furthermore, a simulation platform is developed to measure performance of neighbor discovery algorithms. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results reveal that Continuous-Torus-Quorum-based algorithm can achieve significant performance improvement over several classical heterogeneous neighbor discovery algorithms, such as Disco and U-Connect, in terms of energy efficiency, discovery delay and discovery probability in the symmetric and asymmetric scenes.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1352-1368,共17页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金(61373091 60933011 11102124) 国家重大基础研究发展计划(973)(2011CB302902) 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目(NCET-10-0604) 四川省科技支撑计划(2013SZ0002)
关键词 低占空比无线传感器网络 邻居发现算法 基于法定人数的连续算法 平均发现延迟 发现概率 low duty cycle WSNs neighbor discovery algorithm Continuous-Torus-Quorum-based discovery delay discovery probability
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