

New Features of China's FTAs:From the Perspective of China's Practice in Europe
摘要 多边贸易谈判进程举步维艰,使各国对双边自由贸易区谈判和建设更加重视。新近,区域和双边贸易安排也已成为中国促进贸易发展的新平台,中国正着力构建自身的自贸区世界版图。在区域自由化进程中,一方面中国积极开展与亚太国家的自贸区谈判;另一方面,中国并没有忽视与欧洲国家的经贸联系。2013年《中国-冰岛自贸区协定》、《中国-瑞士自贸区协定》相继签署。基于对上述自贸区协定的考察,不难发现中国自贸区建设正呈现出关注海外投资企业、注重协定实际效果、友好解决贸易摩擦、不断推进新领域的开放和合作等特征。中国在欧自由贸易区建设有助于保护中国的海外投资企业,深化与欧洲其他国家的贸易交往;有助于提升中国在全球贸易的话语权,防止被边缘化。 Recently, many countries in the world mainly focus on the bilateral free trade negotiations as the multilateral trade negotiation is struggling now. Regional and bilateral trade agreements have become the new platform to promote free trade for China as well. In the process of regional liberalization, on the one hand, China is actively engaged in free trade agreements(FTAs) negotiations with Asia-Pacific countries. On the other hand, China does not ignore the connection with European countries in economy and trade. In 2013, China signed the FTAs with Iceland and Switzerland. Based on the study of China's practice in Europe, some new features can be found from the policy of China's FTAs. In new situation, the FTAs focus on overseas-invested enterprises, and prefer to settle the trade friction friendly, and try to strengthen the openness and cooperation in new areas. The establishment of FTAs for China will contribute to the protection of overseas Chinese enterprises, deepen trade relations with other European countries and achieve win-win results. It will also enhance China's discourse power in global trade, and avoid being marginalized.
作者 彭德雷
机构地区 华东理工大学
出处 《广西政法管理干部学院学报》 2014年第2期93-99,共7页 Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law
基金 上海市社科规划课题(2013EFX005) 中国法学会部级课题(CLS2013D231)资助 华东理工大学商学院专任教师科研创新基金资助
关键词 中国自贸区 特征 欧洲实践 中国-冰岛 中国-瑞士 Free Trade Agreements China-Iceland China-Switzerland
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