
3株瘤胃纤维降解菌的分离鉴定及生物学特性研究 被引量:3

Isolation, identification and biological characterization of three cellulose-degrading rumen bacteria strains
摘要 从蒙古绵羊瘤胃液中分离得到3株瘤胃纤维降解菌。结合细菌形态学、生理生化特征、16S rDNA序列同源性分析进行鉴定。结果表明,AB1、AH3、G7均为梭菌属,其中AB1、AH3为丁酸梭菌,G7为拜氏梭菌。对其生物学特性的研究结果表明,这3株菌对30°C的低温和45°C的高温都有很好的耐受性,都耐碱不耐酸,在pH值小于6时基本不生长,而在pH值为8时生长良好,都不耐胆盐,只有在无胆盐的培养基中才能生长良好。 Three cellulose-degrading rumen bacteria strains were isolated Dom Mongolia sheep. Combined baclerial morphological, physiological and biochemical characterization, with 16s rDNA sequence homology analysis for identification. They were identified as Clostridium, AB1 and AH3 were Clostridium butyricum, G7 was Clostridium beijerinckii. The biological characterization showed that they had good tolerance in 30 ℃ low temperature and 45 ℃ high temperature, they had alkali tolerance. but nnt acid tolerance, they ahnosl couldn't grow when the pH is less than 6, but grew well when the pH was 8, they didn't have bile sail tolerance, they grew well only in the absence of bile salt.
出处 《饲料工业》 北大核心 2014年第9期48-51,共4页 Feed Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目[NO.31101737]
关键词 瘤胃纤维降解菌 分离鉴定 生物学特性 cellulose-degrading rumen bacteria isolation and identification biological characterislies
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