根据GB/T 5009测定华南9号(SC9)木薯含粉率、氢氰酸、无机砷(As)和铅(Pb),根据GB/T 15686测定SC9品种的单宁含量,研究不同生长期对种植在广西武鸣、隆安、合浦、崇左、桂林和梧州6个地方的SC9木薯含粉率、氢氰酸、单宁、 As及Pb含量的影响。结果表明:种植在不同地方的SC9木薯含粉率、氢氰酸和单宁会随着生长期的延长表现出不同的变化趋势,其含粉率在生长期为8、9、10个月时较高,氢氰酸含量在生长期为10、12个月时相对较低,大部分地区的SC9木薯单宁含量在生长期为9个月和10个月时最低; SC9鲜木薯中的As和Pb含量分别为0.08~0.26、0.24~0.55 mg/kg。此结果表明, SC9木薯在生长期10个月时获得了高含粉率、低氢氰酸、低单宁含量的木薯块根,较适合用于食用木薯淀粉的加工生产。
Influence of different growing period on the content of starch, hydrocyanic acid, tannin, inorganic arsenic and lead of SC9 cassava cultivated in Wuming, Longan, Hepu, Chongzuo, Guilin and Wuzhou were researched in this article. Content of starch, hydrocyanic acid, inorganic arsenic and lead of SC9 cassava were determined by GB/T 5009. Content of tannin of SC9 cassava was determined by GB/T 15686. The Results showed that the content of starch, hydrocyanic acid and tannin of SC9 cassava were different from the extension of growing period. The content of starch was higher when growing period of SC9 was 8 to 10 months than others. The tannin content of SC9 cassava cultivated in most regions was lowest when the growing period was 9 to 10 months. The content of inorganic arsenic and lead of SC9 cassava were 0.08~0.26 mg/kg, 0.24~0.55 mg/kg respectively. The content of starch was high and content of hydrocyanic acid, tannin was low when the growing periods of SC9 cassava was 10 months. It was suitable for processing edible cassava starch.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture