

The Initial Application of Bootstrap Method in Airborne Gamma Spectrum Analysis
摘要 介绍了航空γ能谱的特征和Bootstrap方法的基本原理,把GR-820机载核辐射监测系统测量的距地面300m处的40K窗口γ能谱数据作为小样本,利用Bootstrap方法对该小样本进行分布参数推断并进行抽样得到计算谱,与距地60m处测得的γ能谱数据进行对比,吻合度较高,得到了满意的结果,在一定程度上突破了谱仪硬件限制,为实现航空γ能谱在低活度水平的快速测量提供了可行性技术方案。 The character of airborne gamma -ray spectrum and the basic principles of bootstrap method are de-scribed in the paper .The 40 K window of the gamma spectrum data measured by the GR -820 airborne multi-channel gamma spectrometers at the height of 300 m from the ground is taken as a small sample .Bootstrap meth-od is used to infer the distribution parameter of the small sample and sampling to obtain calculated spectra .The calculated spectra are compared with the measured spectra at the height of 60m from the ground , satisfactory re-sults were obtained .It provides a feasible technology for quick measurement of airborne gamma spectrum at low activity levels .
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期36-39,共4页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 BOOTSTRAP法 航空γ能谱 高斯分布 Bootstrap method airborne gamma spectrum Gauss distribution
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