目的.探讨重度子痫前期并发HELLP综合征9例,分析其临床意义,提升诊治水平,减少母婴死亡率。方法 选取2008年7月~201 3年5月淮北市矿工总医院收治的重度子痈前期并发HELLP综合征9例患者,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 本组9例重度子痫前期并发HELLP综合征患者,均剖宫产分娩,比例为100%;其中足月产3例,早产5例;围产儿9例,7例新生儿存活,2例新生儿死亡。经治疗后本组产妇均痊愈出院。结论重度子痫前期并发HELLP综合征是一种严重急症,必须对其进行重视,从而降低母婴死亡率。
Objective To investigate the severe preeclampsia complicated by HELLP syndrome 9 cases. Methods Treatment of severepreeclampsia complicated by HELLP syndrome in 9 patients, clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Results The group of 9 cases of severepreeclampsia complicated by HELLP syndrome, it was 100%; normal capacity of one case; including 3 cases of fullterm, premature 5 eases; perinatal9 cases, cases of neonatal survival, 2 cases of neonatal death. Mothers in this group after treatment were cured. Conclusion Severe preeclampsiacomplicated HELLP syndrome is a serious emergency, it must be attention, thereby reducing maternal and child mortality.
Contemporary Medicine