基于标准系数的应用研究结果,对某飞机俯仰角回路进行了标准系数法的设计,给出系统控制器参数。在此基础上,利用Simulink Design Optimization模块,对控制系统参数进一步优化。仿真结果表明标准系数法结合Simulink Design Optimization优化对俯仰角系统设计是有效的,而且降低了工作量,提高了工作效率。
Base on the study for coefficient of standard,this paper give a method to solve the gain of pitch attitude at one time.After that,we use Simulink Design Optimization block optimize the gain of the pitch attitude controller.The result of simulation indicate that the method is effectively combine with coefficient of standard and Simulink Design Optimization to design pitch attitude.
Electronic Design Engineering