目的 :研究乙型肝炎表面抗原携带者及其子女间的遗传传递。方法 :对乙型肝炎表面抗原携带者 117个家庭 2 34个个体进行了 HBV五项血清标志物 (HBs Ag、抗 - HBs、HBe Ag、抗 - HBe和抗 - HBc)及游离型 HBV DNA检测。结果 :HBs Ag阳性父亲出生的子女与 HBs Ag阴性的父亲所生的子女相比 ,差异非常显著。在 HBs Ag父、子女同阳的 6 3个家系中 ,HBV血清学标志组合父、子女同时阳性率为 5 2 .4% ,其 HBV DNA主要分布在父、子女同阳组合中 ,与其他标志组合相比 ,有非常显著性差异。HBV DNA与 HBe Ag标志呈一致性增高 ,HBe Ag阳性父亲所生子女 HBe Ag和 HBV DNA也都阳性。HBs Ag高滴度的父亲 HBV DNA与出生后的子女呈一致性增高。结论 :HBs Ag阳性者 ,通过父亲遗传传递给子代是有可能的。
Objective:To study genetic transmission from the parents with HBsAg to their children.Methods:Five serum HBV markers(HBsAg,anti HBs,HBeAg,anti HBe and anti HBc) and serum free HBV DNA were detected in 234 individuals from 117 families.Rusults:There was a significant difference in total infection rate of HBV,HBsAg,HBeAg,HBV DNA between the children of males with HBsAg and those of males with no HBsAg.The positive rate of HBV serum markers combination of father and their children was 52 4% in 63 families that father and children were all infected with HBsAg.HBV DNA mainly distributed in the combination that father and their children were all with HBsAg,there was a significant difference between that and other combinations.HBV DNA rised in accord with HBeAg.The childrens HBeAg and HBV DNA were all positive,who born after occurrence of HBeAg.HBV DNA of father with high titer HBeAg rised in accordence with there childrens.Conclusion:It showed that hepatitis B virus,can be transmitted by inheritance between the fathers and their children.
Modern Preventive Medicine