
框形电极标测右房心动过速 被引量:2

Endocardial mapping and ablation of multielectrode basket catheter in right atrial tachycardas
摘要 目的本研究目的是检测多极框形导管(MBC)在房心动过速(房速)的标测及消融的使用。方法和结果房速的研究在15个患者中进行。对多极框形导管的记录、起搏能力及用其辅助消融进行评价。(86±6)%电极可记录到稳定的心内电图。(63±3)%电极可用于刺激心脏。由框式导管及标准导管记录到领先于P波的最早心内激动间距分别为(41± 9)及(45.9±8)ms.8例行消融术中7例成功,成功率为87.5%。无病发症。结论多极框形导管允许深入及稳定的心内标测,并有助于右房速患者的成功消融。 Objective The aim of our study was to examine the utility of a mutielectrode basket catheter (MBC) in the mapping and Ablation of atrial tachycardias (ATs).Methods and Results This study of ATs was conducted in 15 patients. The MBC recording and pacing capabilities, mapping performance and ablation with MBC was evaluated. Stable endocardial electrograms were recorded in 88±4% of electrodes. 64±5% electrode pairs could be used to stimulate the heart. Earliest endocardial activation was recorded from MBC and standard catheters were 41 ± 9 and 45.9± 8 m before the onset of P-wave,respectively (P = 0.21). Ablation successed in 7 patients (87.5%). Conclusion The MBC allows comprehensive and reliable endocardial mapping during ATs, which facilitates successful ablation in the patients with ATs.
作者 陈浩然
机构地区 西安步长医院
出处 《中国介入心脏病学杂志》 2001年第1期41-43,共3页 Chinese Journal of Interventional Cardiology
关键词 心动过速 导管 标测 导管消融 Tachycardia Catheter Mapping Catheter ablation
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