目的:探讨电子支气管镜肺泡灌洗治疗足月新生儿重症胎粪吸入综合征(MAS)的疗效。方法选取2012年6月~2013年12月入住新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)确诊为重症MAS足月儿15例,予机械通气及常规支持疗法,同时给予电子支气管镜肺泡灌洗。结果电子支气管镜肺泡灌洗后呼吸频率下降,血氧饱和度(SpO2)上升,治疗前及治疗后2 h、6 h、24 h OI、a/ApO2相比,均有显著差异性(P﹤0.05)。结论电子支气管镜肺泡灌洗治疗重症胎粪吸入综合征有利于气道通畅,改善肺功能,是安全有效的,可在临床中推广应用。
Objective To investigate the effect of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) with video bronchoscopy on mature neonates who suffer from severe meconnium aspiration syndrome(SMAS). Methods From June 2012 to December 2013, there were 15 neonates who were diagnosed as SMAS in NICU. They were given mechanical ventilation,conventional treatment and BAL with video bronchoscopy. Results The respiration rate decreased and SpO2 increased after BAL with video bronchoscopy. The OI,a/ApO2 were significant defference before treatment and 2 h, 6 h, and 24 h after treament (P〈0.05). Conclusion To perform BAL with video bronchoscope on neonate with SMAS can help the ventilation and im-prove the function of pulmonary, it is safe and effective, worth to be generalized.
China Modern Doctor