目的 :阐明当代中日两国中小学生体格发育的差异 ,并探讨其影响因素。方法 :根据中日两国政府发布的 1995年全国学生体格发育测量资料 ,对比分析中日学生的发育水平、发育速度以及体型特点。结果 :1中国7~ 17岁男女学生的体格发育水平均低于日本同龄学生 ,其中平均身高矮 2 .2 cm (男 )和 1.3cm (女 ) ;平均体重轻 5 .2 kg (男 )和 4.3kg (女 )。 2中国学生青春期生长突增开始的时间比日本学生约晚 1~ 2年 ,而且维持其生长高峰的时间较日本学生为短。 3中国学生的 BMI指数比日本学生平均低 1.6 (男 )和 1.7(女 )。结论 :当代日本学生的体格发育水平明显提高 ,发育速度增快 ,同时其体型较为粗壮、结实。这主要是外界环境因素作用的结果 ,其中以加强营养和体育锻炼最为重要。
Objective: To explain the difference of physical development between Chinese students and Japanese students today and explore the influence factors Method: According to the material for physical development of primary middle school students published by Chinese and Japanese governments in 1995, making a comparison between the two countries Results: (1) The physical development level of Chinese students is lower than that of Japanese students At the age of 7~17, Chinese students are 2 2(male) and 1 3(female) cm shorter, and 5 2(male) and 4 3(female) kg lighter on the average than Japanese students are (2)The arrival of adolescent growth peak height velocity of Chinese students is 1~2 year later than that of Japanese students and lasts a shorter period of time (3) The BMI index of Chinese students is 1 6(male) and 1 7(female) lower as compared with Japanese students Conclusion: Today the physical development conditions of Japanese students are obviously improved, this result is affected mainly by environmental factors, especially nutrition and physical exercise
Medicine and Society