PW(Pyramid Vector Quantization)是一种格型矢量量化技术,它可用于压缩子带分解/小波变换或DCT变换产生的拉普拉斯信源[1],本文论述了二种新的用于PVQ的标号算法:幅度标号法(MagnitudeEnumeration)和条件乘积码标号算法(Conditional Product Code Enumeration)[2]。对子区的划分方法都不相同。
Pyramid Vector Quantization is a kind of lattice vector quantizer. It can be used to compress laplacian-like sources arising from transform and subband image coding. In this paper, we proposed two kinds of novel enumeration algorithm for PVQ., which is the magnitude enmueration algorithm and CPCE(Conditional Product Code Enumeration).