医院感染成为目前社会关注焦点 ,艾滋病、乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎等病毒性疾病严重威胁人类健康。应加强血制品和注射器管理 ,切实落实消毒措施。由于不断发现感染人类的新病毒 ,控制和预防医源性病毒性感染成为当前紧迫、重要而又艰巨的任务 ,也是 2
Nosocomial infection had been the focus concerned by society at home and abroad since the viral infection such as HIV、HBV and HCV which had seriously threaten the human health worldwide. We should strengthen the blood products and syringe management and implement sterilization measure,with that safe blood starts with me. Because of that quite a few of new human viruses continually emerged in recent years, control and prevention of nosocomial viral infection was currently imperative, important and formidable projects and global thorny issue of public health in the 21st century too.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention