乙酸异戊酯通常在浓硫酸催化下由乙酸和异戊醇酯化制得,由于浓硫酸的氧化和脱水作用存在产品纯度低和色泽深等缺点,开发性能更加优良的酯化催化剂以代替硫酸成为研究热点。为考察复合无机盐催化剂CuSO4/Fe2(SO4)3合成乙酸异戊酯的催化性能,研究乙酸和异戊醇为原料在复合无机盐CuSO4/Fe2(SO4)3催化下的酯化反应,并考察催化剂用量、反应时间和乙酸与异戊醇物质的量比对乙酸酯化率的影响。结果表明,在乙酸用量0.1 mol、异戊醇用量0.2 mol、催化剂用量0.8 g、反应时间2.0 h和带水剂环己烷用量10 mL条件下,酯化率高于93%。催化剂具有催化活性高、操作简单和不污染环境等优点。
Iso-amylacetate is usually synthesized by using acetic acid and isoamaylol as the raw materials and concentrated sulfuric acid as the catalyst,but the synthesized method has the disadvantages of low purity and deep color of the product.As a substitute for concentrated sulfuric acid,the development of esterification catalyst with more excellent performance become the research hotspot.The catalytic performance of compound inorganic salt CuSO4/Fe2 (SO4)3 for synthesis of iso-amylacetate was investigated.The effects of catalyst dosage,reaction time,and molar ratio of acetic acid to isoamaylol on the esterification rate of acetic acid were studied.The results showed that esterification rate of acetic acid reached over 93% under the condition as follows:acetic acid amount 0.1 mol,isoamaylol amount 0.2 mol,catalyst dosage 0.8 g,reaction time 2.0 h,and deaquation agent cyclohexane amount 10 mL.The catalyst had the advantages of high activity,easy operation and little environmental pollution.
Industrial Catalysis