目的探讨PBL教学法在耳鼻咽喉科临床护理见习教学中的应用效果。方法随机抽取护理学院护理专科班2个,分为实验组和对照组。对照组采用传统示教方式:根据教学大纲及临床护理见习教学内容,利用录像观看、老师示范、集体讲解等教学模式。实验组采用以问题为基础的教学法(Problem-based learning,PBL):教学前转变教师教学观念、教师PBL教学培训、学生查阅相关资料、提出问题、讨论、总结等教学模式。分别对两组护生进行理论知识和实践技能考核,观察两组成绩;向护生发放调查问卷表,对教学效果进行评价。结果实验组护生理论和实践成绩优于对照组(P≤0.01);PBL教学法得到了实验组护生的认可(P≤0.01)。结论 PBL教学法有利用激发学生对课程的兴趣,充分发挥其积极性和主动性,提高学生解决问题及自主学习能力。
Objective To explore the application effect of PBL teaching method in clinical nursing practice education of otolaryngology. Methods Randomly selected from the Nursing College of 2011 nursing college class of 2, divided into the experimental group and control group. The control group used the traditional teaching method:according to the teaching syllabus and the clinical nursing practice teaching content, watching videos, explaining and ollective teaching. The experimental group adopted the problem based learning (Problem-based learning PBL) method:the teaching of transforming teaching concept, teaching and training, PBL training, students’ access to relevant information, asking questions, discussing and summaring. Assess theory and practice skills of students by using questionnaire scales, evaluate the teaching effect. Results The theory and practice skill of students in experimental group outperformed the control group (P≤0.01); PBL teaching method has been recognized by students in experimental group (P≤0.01).Conclusion The PBL teaching method was used to stimulate the students' interest in the course, it gave full play to their enthusiasm and initiative, enhanced the ability of solving problems and autonomous learning.
Continuing Medical Education
PBL education
Nursing practice