
构建新型大国关系视阈下的中美太空领域博弈与合作 被引量:1

Sino-U.S.Competition and Cooperation in Outer Space from the Perspective of Establishing A New Type of Major Powers Relations
摘要 中美建立新型大国关系符合世界历史发展潮流,将给两国和世界带来巨大机遇。而中美对抗将给两国和世界带来巨大损害。中美构建新型大国关系应建立在新型战略稳定的基础上。这种新型战略稳定关系具有不同于冷战时期美苏战略稳定关系的特点,它包括良性互动型稳定、综合性稳定、非对称性稳定等。为了构建中美新型大国关系,两国必须抛弃冷战思维,促成相互尊重、平等互谅、相互信任的氛围,养成相应的习惯,并形成协商与合作的完善机制和平台。中美分别作为太空领域新兴大国和主导大国存在竞争,但也有共同利益或相似利益。建立太空稳定与合作框架应该是构建中美新型大国关系的重要组成部分之一。作为第一阶段的目标,中美应实行相互战略克制。 Establishing the new type of major powers relations between China and the U.S. is in line with the development trend of the world history, and would bring tremendous opportunities to the two countries and the world; while the confrontation between China and the U. S. will cause tremendous damage to the two countries and the world, therefore the establishment of the new type of major powers relations between China and the U. S should be based on the new model of strategic stability between the two countries. The new model of strategic stability between China and the U. S. is different from that of the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the Cold War period, because the former includes good interaction stability, comprehensive stability, asymmetry stability, etc. In order to establish the new type of major powers relations between China and the U. S, the two countries must abandon the Cold War mentality, and promote mutual respect, equality, mutual understanding and mutual trust. They should develop the habit, mechanism and platform for consultation and cooperation. Although China and the U.S. have contention in outer space as an emerging power and the dominant power respectively, they also share common interests or have similar interests. To build up the framework of stability and cooperation in outer space should be one of the important parts of establishing the new type of major powers relations between China and the U. S. As an objective of the first phase, China and the U.S. should implement mutual strategic restraint.
作者 夏立平
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第3期1-7,共7页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社科重点基地重大项目"美国太空战略及其对中国国家安全的影响"(项目批准号:2009JJD810003)的中期成果之一 同济大学国家985工程哲学社会科学创新基地项目"全球治理与中欧关系"和"全球变化与中国国家利益研究"
关键词 新型大国关系 中美战略关系 太空 博弈与合作 the new type of major powers relations Sino-US strategic relations the outer space competitionand cooperation
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