海上天然气平台有一套由Allen-Bradley PLC 5组成的ESD系统,和一套由EMERSON 8.0版本DeltaV组成的DCS。两者之间的通信由PLC 51771 KE模块和DeltaV可编程通信接口卡把各自的信号都转换成RS232而进行的。但是发现两套系统之间通信不稳定,出现数据错包,丢包甚至通信完全中断的情况。通过分析故障现象,检查通信线路和设置,在没有改变其他设置和参数的情况下,把接线方式改成采用流量控制后,通信不稳定甚至中断问题得到彻底解决,没有再出现故障。
The seaborne natural gas platform has one set of ESD system formed by Allen-Bradley PLC 5 and one set of Emerson 8.0 DeltaV system. The communication between them was achieved by PLC 5 1771 card and DeltaV interface card which transfes the signals to RS232 respectively. But it was found that the communication is not stable, and leads data loss and even totally broken. The problem can be completely solved when the cable connection was modified to use handshaking while others setting remained unchanged.
Automation Panorama1