
健康对中国中老年人劳动供给的影响 被引量:64

The Effect of Health on the Labor Supply of Mid-aged and Older Chinese
摘要 本文选择高血压作为健康测度变量,运用CHNS四期追踪数据,探讨了健康对农村和城市的中老年人劳动供给的影响。由于疾病可能存在的内生性,本文用患高血压之前的钠盐摄入量作为工具变量。我们发现患高血压对城市中老年人劳动供给有明显的影响,但对农村人没有显著的影响。而且我们发现,城市的效果几乎全部来自较低教育程度的蓝领工人,这可能主要是因为拥有养老保障的体力劳动者容易在高血压影响下产生退休意愿,而这个现象在同样是以体力劳动为主的农村劳动力中并不存在。 This paper by using hypertension as the Measure variable of health and the four waves of the China Health and Nutrition Survey investigates the impact of health on labor supply of the urban and rural Chinese elderly. We find that hypertension has significantly negative effects on urban elderly but the effect does not exist in rural areas. Furthermore the negative effects in the urban areas mainly come from the lower-educated. Our interpretation is.. urban workers can afford to retire because they possess social security but rural workers have no option-they have to work even with illnesses.
出处 《经济学(季刊)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期917-938,共22页 China Economic Quarterly
基金 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目(70910107022) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(80793011) 国家社科基金青年项目(13CJY055) 教育部长江学者创新团队发展计划项目(IRT1062)的资助
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