
政府与市场关系的再审视:治理的视角 被引量:3

A Re-examination on the Relationship Between Government and the Market:From the Governance Perspective
摘要 本文阐述"市场即治理"的思想。治理问题属于交换范式,而不是价值范式,要研究治理问题,应重构以价值范式为基础的政治经济。根据交换范式,"市场治理"与"组织治理"不是替代关系,相反,市场治理以无数自主的、遵守一般性法则的组织为前提。科斯没有把"物"意义上的私有产权与那个自然法相联的"行动"意义上的私有产权加以明确区分,并且忽视了促使制度改善的"企业家",这导致他的理论停留在"比较制度分析"层面,而不构成一个真正意义上的"治理理论"。从治理的角度看,"市场"本身就包括了"政府","政府与市场的关系"应表述成"政府与其他主体的关系"。人为地把产品(服务)划分为"私人产品"和"公共产品",相当于赋予政府提供某项产品的排他性特权。重要的不是确定由谁提供某种服务会更好,而是使未来那个能够更好地提供服务的个人或组织会"出现"。 This paper describes the ideology of "market that governs". Governance issues belong to the exchange paradigm rather than the value paradigm, and in order to study governance issues, political and economic should be reconstructed on the basis of value paradigm. According to the exchange paradigm, the relationship between the "market governance" and "organizational governance" is not the one of substitutions; on the contrary, market governance takes countless autonomous and complied with the general rules of the organization as the precondition. The Ronald H. Coase did not draw a clear distinction between the private property rights in the sense of "thing" and "action" which is associated with the Natural Law, and ignored the "entrepre- neur" who will prompt the improvement of the system, and the result of it is that his theory remains in the "comparative institu- tional analysis" level, and can not constitute a real "theory of governance". From the governance perspective, market itself in- cludes government, and the relationship between the government and the market should be expressed precisely as the relationship between government and other subjects. To distinguish "private goods" and "public goods" artificially is equal to give the government the exclusive privilege of providing some kinds of product . What's important is not to determine who should be better to provide a service, but to make the individuals or organizations which will be able to provide better services in the future occur.
作者 朱海就
出处 《浙江工商大学学报》 CSSCI 2014年第3期82-89,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University
关键词 改革 市场 政府 治理 reform market government governance
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