This article is based on the investigation of soil conditions of part of aged Pinus tabulaeformis in Dongling, Shenyang. The soil physical properties, soil chemical properties and soil nutrients are also analysed. The results showed that the moisture of surface soil is as high as 25.1%, which exceeds its appropriate range and could easily lead the aged P/nus tabulaeformis to rot their roots. Water permeability of the soil is rather poor, which is not conducive to drainage. A suitable total soil porosity but with high capillary porosity and very low noncapillary porosity of 2.8%-7.8%, which is even lower than the lowest limit. The acidity of soil is too strong, which is not conducive to the growth of aged Pinus tabulaeformis. The soil is lack of organic matter and total nitrogen, however, the content of available zinc, iron and copper are higher than the proper content, which directly affects the growth of aged Pinus tabulaeformis. In order to change the present situation of debilitating growth of aged Pinus tabulaeformis in Dongling, we suggest that soil conditions must be improved.
aged Pinus tabulaeforrn/s, soil condition, soil physical property, soil chemical property, soil nutrients