传统的教育观念 ,实际上不把院校举办学术期刊看作教学过程的本身 ,这种观念需要更新。军队中高级指挥院校举办学术期刊 ,对教学服务至少可以发挥三个功能 ,即 :教研信息传导功能 ,名师精品推介功能 ,觉悟能力转化功能。军队中高级指挥院校办好学术期刊 ,充分发挥学术期刊在教学科研中的服务作用 ,是教学过程的延伸 ,是完整意义上的教学所不可缺少的环节 ,是素质教育的有效途径。
Traditional education idea does not consider running an academic journal as teaching duration its self ,this idea should be renewed .There are at least three functions for senior and intermediate military schools to run academic journals in serving teaching :the function of spreading teaching and research information ,the function of introducing famous teachers and academic works to students ,the function of truning knowledge into ability and consciousness .It can be considered the extended duration of teaching for military schools to run academic journals ,bringing their functions in serving teaching and research into play ,and this is an element which should not be omitted for the completion of teaching ,and is also the very point to face with in quality education.
Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute