
面向公共机构与私营企业之间知识转移的组织行为与人力资源管理:文献分析综述(Ⅰ) 被引量:1

Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management for Public to Private Knowledge Transfer:An Analytic Review of the Literature(Ⅰ)
摘要 基于人力资源视角对目前有关高校与私营企业之间知识转移渠道的学术研究成果予以述评,给出了文献分析的一般框架,明确了在面向高校-企业知识转移的组织行为和人力资源管理方面的认识缺陷。分析表明:具有最高"关系强度"的知识转移渠道最受企业重视,而大多数知识转移渠道目前并未制度化和正规化。结论认为,在高校-企业的知识转移方面存在显著的管理挑战,这要求对个体参与知识转移的性质和程度有深入的了解。但是,现有研究关注的重点在于知识转移的结果而非过程,因此,未来研究需要重视对个人和组织层面知识转移过程的分析,从而为更优决策的制定提供有价值的信息。 This paper reviews the current academic thinking on knowledge transfer channels between universities and private industry, from a human resource perspective. It also offers a general framework for "re-organising" the literature, so as to identify gaps in the understanding of organizational behavior and human resource management for university-industry knowledge transfer. The review highlights that knowledge transfer channels with highest "relational intensity" are also most valued by industry, and that most knowledge transfer channels are not currently institutionalized or formalized. It concludes that knowledge transfer between universities and industry is characterized by important management challenges, which require an understanding of the extent and nature of individuals' involvement. However, the existing literature emphasises the outcomes rather than processes of knowledge transfer. Future research looking at knowledge transfer processes at the individual and organizational level of analysis would provide valuable information for better policy-making.
出处 《科学观察》 2014年第2期1-17,共17页 Science Focus
关键词 高校-企业 知识转移渠道 文献分析 university-industry, knowledge transfer channels, review of the literature
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