蔬菜和水果因其含有丰富的维生素,已成为人们日常生活中不可缺少的食物。与此同时,随着人们对生活品质的追求和提高,蔬菜和水果被榨取成饮料汁食用也日益普遍和流行。如今,市面上出售的榨汁机品种繁多。其中,传统的螺旋式榨汁机主要是利用螺旋式固有的特点对果蔬挤压使得体积减小达到果料的固体与液体成分分离的目的,最终获取所需的汁液。为了让人们更方便地使用和携带榨汁机,本设计利用Rhino3D NURBS完成了对传统螺旋式榨汁机的优化设计方案,榨汁机体积小巧、操作简单,方便居家老人及小孩使用,或者商务人士、旅行中的人使用。
Fruits and vegetables because its contain rich vitamin, food has become indispensable in People's Daily life. At the same time, with the pursuit of quality of life and improve people, vegetables and fruit is squeezed into juice beverage consumption is also increasingly common and popular. Today, on the market for sale is a great variety of juicer. Among them, the traditional spiral juice machine mainly using the inherent characteristics of screw extrusion of fruits and vegetables has reduced volume to achieve the separation of solid and liquid composition, finally obtain the required SAP. In order to make people more convenient to use and carry a juicer, this design uses Rhino3D NURBS completed to traditional optimization design of spiral juicer, juicer small volume, simple operation, convenient old man and the child that occupy the home use, or business people, people use in the travel.
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