目的探讨经尿道前列腺腔内手术后出血的处理,为临床治疗提供帮助。方法回顾探讨2008年10月至2012年10月行经尿道前列腺手术的17例患者手术后前列腺创面出血,选择不同的手术方式止血的治疗方案。结果 17患者经加大冲洗速度、牵引力度及膀胱镜下再次止血等相应处理后止血理想。结论经尿道前列腺腔内手术后出血应密切观察生命体征变化,可先非手术治疗,病情严重时需行前列腺电切镜下处理,如病情继续恶化,则开放行经膀胱前列腺窝纱条填塞法,此手术方式简单有效,并且止血效果确切。
Objective To explore management of hemorrhage after transurethral resection of prostate to help for clinical treatment. Methods Retrospective analysis of 17 cases of hemorrhage after TURP were treated with different kinds of hemostasis methods from October 2008 to October 2012. Results 17 cases were successful by increasing the douche speed, the traction intensity and the secondary hemostasis under cystoscope. Conclusions First, conservative treatment and endoscopic treatment are adopted in hemorrhage after transurethral resection of prostate. Prostatic hemostasis with packs by opening the bladder is adopted with exacerbation, this method is safe, simple, effective, and worthy to popularize.
Guide of China Medicine